BRF Update - 26th February 2021
Please see below and attached some updates from the BRF/UQBR:
ARC animal deliveries
ARC animal orders that were postponed for delivery to TRI earlier this week due to hot weather have arrived this morning.
Change in Booking Procedural Rooms on PPMS
Due to the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions the BRF will now allow multiple users to book separate spaces in each of the procedural rooms (returning to normal layout pre-COVID). From Monday 15th March users will now be required to book individual spaces in a room (Benches, Biosafety Hoods and Anaesthetic machines with bench space) as the setting for booking out full rooms will be discontinued. Please be mindful that if you have already booked out space for the 15th March onwards it is recommended you re-check your booking and adjust/re-book as needed since this may have changed after the admin setting has changed over. Please continue to social distance and wear a mask where social distancing is difficult to maintain.
Spare NSG-A2 mice
The BRF have 76 spare naive NSG-A2 mice ranging from 3 – 23 weeks of age and of various sexes. If any lab can use these mice for their research please respond by return email with the ethics number and how many you need. We can then organise transfer of these animals to your colonies. The list of animals is on the attached file.
Hint for Adding “LAB Notes” to Custom Views on Mosaic.
A small number of research staff have started setting up their own personal Custom Views in Mosaic to assist with colony management. Please note the “LAB Notes” column will need to be specifically setup if you are choosing this function (instructions below). For those commonly using the default “Recommended Researcher View” this should already be added.
In the personally created view (Custom View) click “View” then “Edit Current View” from the dropdown menu.
The window below should appear and you will need to select the “Ex 1 Integer” option and add this to “Display columns”.
In the header column (below) you can change the name of the column and save.