Gaining deeper insight from your RNA analysis
In this seminar, we will discuss how changes in technologies continue to impact how RNA can be analysed using a variety of methods, focused here on NGS and qPCR. As technologies and scientific understanding have advanced there have been significant changes in how we consider RNA analysis. Total RNA discovery includes exploring both gene expression and gene regulation.
Researchers must consider all RNA, both coding and non-coding to gain true insight into the biological questions they seek to answer. We will examine when one approach might be beneficial compared to another (for example a targeted versus a global exploration of the sample), and how different technologies can be applied in combination with each other to maximize the data generated from a single sample.
We will go on to share some case studies of challenges faced by researchers, and how new technologies were applied to progress their research. Such challenges will include limitations in sample types: how to move from “mass data” to the next stage of functional validation in your experiments; and how to resolve problems of contamination with adapter dimers, PCR bias and high sample input requirements.
There will be an opportunity following the presentation to discuss and address specific challenges you may have in your total RNA analysis.
If you have any questions, please contact Hilda Troskie Ph: 0414 278 369 or Email: [email protected]