research translation Seminar
Qld Health & the Queensland Genomics program: developing a business case & strategic development
Queensland Genomics was a $25m transformation program commissioned by Queensland Health to accelerate the adoption of genomics and lay the foundation for the future of genomics in Queensland. Over five years, this implementation focused translational research program invested in clinical activity, built capability and capacity in our health system, and engaged our community to activate them in the program. This seminar will share the experiences and lessons in key areas, including the program design and importantly the approach they took to working with consumers. One of the key aspects behind the success of the program lay in work to establish strong clinical engagement and support clinical leadership within the program, and to deliberately leverage the strengths of Queensland’s unique health and medical research ecosystem, whilst being consumer (patient) centric and mindful of sustainability of services.
Mr David Bunker
Executive Director
Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners (BDHP)
Prof Keith McNeil
A/Deputy Director-General, Chief Medical Officer-Prevention Division, Chief Clinical Information Officer
Queensland Health