TRX18 - Translational Research Excellence Symposium
Translating medical research into clinical practice and commercial outcomes is not a pursuit for the faint hearted nor for those who are impatient!
The road to outcomes takes a long time and with many hurdles to be overcome.
Sometimes the journey becomes all-consuming (and some lose their way) – but it is important for everyone involved in this endeavour to remember why we put ourselves through the tortuous journey of bringing a product to market
The TRX18 Conference to be held at the Translational Research Institute (TRI) will explore the journey of “idea – to patient” by stimulating trans-disciplinary discussions and collaborations across areas of human disease research, drug and diagnostic discovery and development, IT and bioinformatics.
TRX18 will bring together patients and philanthropists with key life sciences stakeholders from biopharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies, academia, regulators and government working to achieve enhanced research outcomes and value through the translation of data and knowledge into patient outcomes.
The conference will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to interact with each other to catalyse possibilities to establish partnerships between all these stakeholders from across the globe.