UQDI Seminar Series - kate schroder
Presenter: A/Prof Kate Schroder (https://imb.uq.edu.au/inflammasomes)
Institute: Institute of Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
Title: New insights into inflammasome signalling and function
A/Prof Kate Schroder heads the Inflammasome Laboratory as an NHMRC RD Wright Fellow. Kate received her PhD in 2005 for her research investigating mechanisms of macrophage activation, in the laboratory of David Hume. Her subsequent postdoctoral position with David Hume and Matthew Sweet investigated the transcriptional programs triggered by macrophage differentiation and activation. A key focus of her postdoctoral studies was to define species differences in the innate immune responses of human versus mouse macrophages. During her NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship in Jürg Tschopp's group in Switzerland, Kate gained expertise in inflammasome biology. Her current research interests include the molecular mechanisms governing inflammasome activity and caspase activation, the evolutionary biology of inflammasomes, and the cellular mediators of inflammasome-dependent inflammation.