Latest News

20 October 2016

10 Tips Towards Health & Vitality

On the 20th October, Murray from Peak Performance Bubble entertained TRI with a presentation about health and wellbeing. An ex-chef, Murray is now a l
More about 10 Tips Towards Health & Vitality
18 October 2016

TRI-C Official Launch

Today TRI’s new Clinical Trial Facility at the Centre for Children’s Health Research was officially opened by Professor Carolyn Mountford, CEO & Direc
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14 October 2016

Commercialisation Partnership Program

An opportunity to work with global expertise at cutting-edge facilities is being provided to Queensland-based businesses, universities and research in
More about Commercialisation Partnership Program
12 October 2016

Geoff Faulkner wins CSL Centenary Fellowship

Congratulations to TRI based Mater and University of Queensland researcher Professor Geoff Faulkner who was recently awarded a significant grant from
More about Geoff Faulkner wins CSL Centenary Fellowship
8 October 2016

Toowoomba Fundraising Event A Huge Success

TRI based QUT researcher Dr Elouise Dray talked to The Chronicle this week after attending the MJH Advisory Colour of Change lunch to show thanks for
More about Toowoomba Fundraising Event A Huge Success
10 September 2016

Antje Blumenthal hones in on new TB drugs

University of Queensland scientists are honing in on drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in a project which could lead to new antibiotics.
More about Antje Blumenthal hones in on new TB drugs



19 July 2024 11:00 AM1:00 PM

TRI Seminar Series: Cancer

Come along to the second instalment of the TRI Seminar Series for 2024, focusing on Cancer Metabolism.
More about TRI Seminar Series: Cancer
26 July 2024 12:30 PM2:30 PM

Special Ethical Bystander Training – Male champions

Ethical bystanders play an essential role in nurturing a safe and respectful workplace with a zero-tolerance to violence. The Special Ethical Bystander Training session is for males, as they have previously been under-represented in past training at TRI and UQ.
More about Special Ethical Bystander Training – Male champions