A global front runner in cervical cancer prevention: Australia on track to eliminate cervical cancer by 2035
New research published today has revealed that cervical cancer may be eliminated as a public health problem in Australia within the next 20 years, following the success of the world-leading National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Program and recent changes to the National Cervical Screening Program.
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HPV & Cervical Cancer
The HPV Vaccine
Recognising the key role of HPV in the development of cervical cancer, Professor Ian Frazer and his team at the University of Queensland developed and commercialised the HPV vaccine, Gardasil (Merck). Using this vaccine, Australia was the first country in the world to implement a National HPV Vaccination Program (NHVP) in 2007.
The original HPV vaccine (Gardasil) protected against four subtypes of HPV– types 16 and 18, which are implicated in more than 70% of cervical cancers in Australia, and types 6 and 11 which can cause genital warts. This vaccination program was initially rolled out to girls aged 12-13 years with a catch-up programme for women aged 14-26 years until 2009. In 2013 it was extended to include boys aged 12-13 years, with a catch-up program for boys aged 14-15 running until the end of 2015.
In 2018, the quadrivalent vaccine was replaced by two doses of a 9-valent HPV vaccine, which protects against an additional 5 oncogenic HPV types (31, 33, 45, 52 and 58).
National Cervical Screening Program: transition to primary HPV testing.
In December 2017, the National Cervical Screening Program transitioned from a 2-yearly cytology-based Pap test to a 5-yearly primary HPV test. Under the renewed NCSP, women return for their next cervical screening test in 5 years if high-risk HPV is not detected in their sample. If high-risk HPV is detected, the sample is re-analysed to look for cell abnormalities (cytology) to inform management. In this case, women are requested to return to their health professional to discuss the result and next steps – which either involves a repeat test in 12 months or specialist referral for further investigation.
Originally implemented across Australia in 1991, the pap test-based NCSP was highly successful in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer by approximately 50%, particularly in women older than 25 years. To further build upon this progress towards preventing cervical cancer, the NCSP transitioned to primary HPV test and cytology-based triage (liquid based cytology or LBC) in December 2017.
Research publication: Hall MT, Simms KT, Lew J, Smith MA, Brotherton JM, Saville M, Frazer I, Canfell K. The projected timeframe until cervical cancer elimination in Australia: a modelling study. The Lancet Public Health, October 2 2018. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(18)30183-X/fulltext
*According to ranges provided in the research publication.