tri cook book contributors wanted

Want to promote your research, opinions and culinary skills and solve the problem of what to get people this Christmas?  Submit a healthy recipe to our cook book TRI harder, live longer by Monday 28 July.

We all know that the best scientists are also great cooks.  Face facts, if you can’t follow a recipe in the kitchen, you will be somewhat lost in the laboratory! As we have a building full of scientists - aka chefs-in-the-making - who also know the components of a healthy meal, we are asking you to dip into your recipe repertoire and dust off your family favourite for our cook book. 



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It is important that you read the Terms and Conditions for Contribution of Content which you will be asked to agree to when you submit your recipe and personal details.

For your recipe to be considered we need you to submit your completed contribution form by Monday 28 July. If your recipe is selected for inclusion in the cook book, TRI will contact you for further details and to arrange a professional photo of you for the publication. 

Download the contribution form  (Microsoft Word document, 1015KB)