
NuGEN NGS Gene Expression/Regulation Solutions

Integrated Sciences welcomes Dr Doug Amorese to Australia & invites you to attend his upcoming seminar. 


Detecting and understanding human disease is a complex task.
Fortunately a trace of nucleic acid, frequently left behind, can offer clues but only if one has the correct tools to interrogate them. Next Generation DNA Sequencing can offer a view of these various nucleic acids; the role of sample preparation is to produce a library with useful data that can be efficiently and economically extracted.

At NuGEN we’ve developed sample preparation methods to efficiently address several specific applications. In this talk I’ll focus on generating whole transcriptome date from single cells, detecting contributors to the microbiome, differential expression studies which include regulatory RNAs and generation of Methyl-Seq libraries.


Doug serves as Chief Scientific Officer for NuGEN and brings a
wealth of experience and knowledge to the role as an accomplished leader in the development and commercialisation of complex systems for nucleic acid

He has extensive experience with microarray and DNA sequencing
technologies, and has successfully directed a robust expansion of NuGEN’s product portfolio, including the introduction of novel sample preparation technologies for next-gen sequencing applications.

Prior to NuGEN, Doug held positions at Agilent Genomics, DuPont and Life Technologies. Doug earned a PhD in biochemistry at Colorado State University, and served post-doctoral fellowships at the Salk Institute and the University of Texas Health Science Center.


Attendance is free, however email registration is required as seats are limited. Please send your name, institute & telephone details to Jenny Peters.