Russell Strong Auditorium PA Hospital
Fundraising event

2018 Smiddy FUn RUn 

The Smiddy Fun Run, now in its 12th year, is held in memory of PAH physiotherapist Adam Smiddy who was just 26 years old when he passed away a short time after being diagnosed with a malignant melanoma. As a way for staff to celebrate and remember Adam through something he loved doing, the Physiotherapy Department organised a fun run a few months later to coincide with his birthday on the 7th November.

Since then, the Smiddy Fun Run has taken place every year to help raise funds and awareness for skin cancer research at the PA Hospital Campus, raising over $50,000 to date.

This year’s event will be held on Thursday 1 November 2018 at PAH and is open to all levels of fitness. There is a 2.5km walk/run and 5km run available to participants. 

The PA Research Foundation have set a target of $20,000 to be raised through the event which will help to support one of their funded skin cancer research projects. The event organisers encourage everyone of all fitness levels to enter a team and join in the Fun Run for a good cause. 

All participants will receive a delicious breakfast on the day and there are some fantastic prizes on offer for the top fundraisers. 

6:15AM, Thursday 1st November, 2018 
Russell Strong Auditorium, PA Hospital

>To Register, visit: