The Dilemmas of Governance and Translational Trials: Seminar and Breakfast Forum
TRI is proud to announce world-leading Harvard clinical trials’ expert Professor Barbara Bierer, who will present a seminar and chair a forum on 8 and 9 October on the challenges and possible solutions to running multi-site clinical trials here and overseas.
The first event is an Afternoon Seminar and Networking 5.00-6:30pm on Tuesday 8th October presenting an in-depth look into the dilemmas faced internationally and the solutions found, making it possible to run multi-institutional and multi-site, clinical trials led by clinicians and researchers.
The second event will be the third TRI Breakfast Forum on 7:30-9:30am Wednesday 9th October chaired by Professor Bierer where we invite representatives from QIMR Berghofer, The University of Queensland, PA Hospital and TRI to share their experiences from the perspective of a Director of Research, Clinician Researcher Investigator, University Research Partnerships Manager and Academic Researcher Investigator. This session will be your opportunity to hear practical solutions to solving these dilemmas, and will open the discussion to the audience with a Q&A to follow the panel’s presentations.
Speakers at the Forum:
- Professor Barbara Bierer - Forum Chair
- Professor Scott Bell QIMR Berghofer- Director of Research, Metro North Health
- Professor Sandro Porceddu PAH - Clinician and Clinician Investigator
- Sabine Sand UQ - University Research Partnerships Manager
- Professor Carolyn Mountford TRI CEO – Academic Researcher Investigator
The seminar and forum are aimed at researchers or clinicians who are running, or are interested in running, clinical trials in Queensland; clinical trials’ facilities staff, investigators, sponsors and clinical trials’ advocates from government or industry. The Dilemmas of Governance and Translational Trials is an opportunity to hear the issues and challenges including: governance, risk assessment, sponsorship, resources and the delays and frustrations in getting approvals. Come along and contribute to recommendations for change and practical solutions to expediate and enable trials in Queensland.
Professor Bierer has a wealth of experience in this area - she is the co-founder and head of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Centre of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard, which is a collaborative effort to improve standards for the planning and conduct of international clinical trials in Northern America. She is the Director of the Regulatory Foundations, Ethics, and the Law program at the Harvard Catalyst and Director of Regulatory Policy for SMART IRB, a national effort to align single site IRB review of multi-site trials.
RSVP Required – please send to [email protected] by Friday 4th October, or for more information contact TRI Events on 07 3443 7742. For more about Professor Bierer, please see here.