Research Translation Seminar

Liver Pharmacokinetics, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer- emerging pandemics

In this week's seminar, you'll hear about the translational liver research being developed in Em Prof Mike Roberts' laboratory at the UQ Diamantina Institute at TRI in collaboration with Prof Darrell Crawford and clinicians at Greenslopes Hospital.

Professor Darrell Crawford is a clinical academic Hepatologist with a strong international reputation in the field of liver disease.  He has held leadership positions within national and international professional societies relevant to his discipline and within The University of Queensland, including the Head, UQ School of Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Study of the Liver Disease and received a Distinguished Service Award for service to the Gastroenterological Society of Australia. He has a strong research profile with > 180 publications and book chapters mostly related to disorders of iron metabolism including co-toxic injury with alcohol and fat, mechanisms and therapy hepatic fibrosis, treatment of chronic viral hepatitis, and more recently hepatocellular carcinoma.  He has played a key role in reshaping the medical faculty at The University of Queensland in his roles as Mayne Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean, Strategic Development. He is also Director of Research Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation and leads a joint liver cancer program between GMRF and UQDI.

Emeritus Professor Michael Roberts is a NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, registered pharmacist and Director of the Therapeutics Research Centre in UQ’s Diamantina Institute in TRI. He is also Professor of Therapeutics & Pharmaceutical Science in University of South Australia’s Clinical and Health Sciences. He actively works with industry, government, academia and clinicians, locally and internationally.  His research outputs (ORCID include: 803 articles (including 10 research books), with 31,309 citations and H-Index of 90 (Google Scholar), with 63 PhD and 7 Masters graduates by research. He has been awarded both Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT)’s Rand and Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA)’s medals. At UQ, he convened, taught and chaired the postgraduate clinical pharmacy programs for many years and chaired the Health Sciences (and later Main) Animal Ethics Committees for more than 10 years. He currently leads an NHMRC Project grant with CI Crawford, two US Food & Drug Administration Collaborative grants and a number of smaller grants.


Emeritus Professor Mike Roberts
NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow
Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Director of the Therapeutics Research Centre, UQDI, The University of Queensland

Professor Darrell Crawford
Professor of Hepatology, Associate Dean (Strategic Development), Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland
Head of the UQ Clinical School, Greenslopes Hospital

Zoom recording