Assoc Prof Glenda Gobe

BSc MSc PhD Grad Dip Ed

Research Director, Centre for Kidney Disease Research


Kidney cancer

How does kidney cancer develop resistance to targeted therapy?

Kidney cancer accounts for 3% of all adult cancers. It is a highly heterogeneous, metastatic and treatment-resistant cancer. Because of the compensatory mechanisms of the kidneys, kidney cancer goes undetected until it is very late. By this time, the cancer will have metastasised. About 25-30% of patients are diagnosed with metastatic disease, and another 20% will demonstrate metastasis after nephrectomy and during follow-up. The average 5-year survival rate of metastatic patients is less than 20%. Prior to 2005, patients with locally invasive or metastatic disease received immunotherapy with modest survival benefit. Since then, a greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms of kidney cancer led to the development of many targeted therapeutics such as bevacizumab, sorafenib, sunitinib, pazopanib, temsirolimus and everolimus. These are collectively called multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitors. They have improved patient outcomes in metastatic renal cell carcinoma and have replaced immunotherapy as a standard of care for these patients. However, the initial enthusiasm with the success of targeted therapy has been hampered by the development of drug resistance by cancer cells. Two patterns of resistance have been observed. First, about 25% of patients are inherently resistant to targeted therapy. This is called intrinsic resistance. Second, which constitutes the majority of cases, patients respond to therapy initially, followed by a short period of disease stability and then disease progression after 6-12 months of treatment. This is called adaptive (or acquired or evasive) resistance. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of this new class of tyrosine kinase inhibitors is an emerging field, and investigation into mechanisms of resistance to these drugs has the potential to development new treatment strategies.

The Centre for Kidney Disease Research (CKDR) at the School of Medicine, which has an active research programme in kidney cancer, has an Honours project available to study the molecular mechanisms of resistance of kidney cancer to multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

Oxidative stress in kidney disease

Oxidative damage is associated with various chronic human diseases. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing in Western societies, particularly in association with other common diseases like hypertension and diabetes, and also with ageing. The epithelial cells of the tubular epithelium are particularly sensitive to oxidative damage, and their death and deletion by apoptosis contributes to the tubular atrophy seen in CKD. Although oxidative stress/damage is known to occur in CKD, the specific role/s of organelle dysfunction in the kidney tubular epithelial cells in the progression of CKD is not well defined. This information potentially offers a powerful means of managing the disease. This project is at the cutting edge internationally, through integration of the established data of our current PhD student David Small who will help supervise the project, the established expertise of our multidisciplinary research team in the basic sciences and in translational medicine, and the proven ability of our laboratories to promote translation of our results into the clinic. Through David Small’s research, we have new information on the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) in protecting kidney proximal tubular epithelium against mitochondrial destabilisation and oxidative stress. PPARγ upregulates proteins required for mitochondrial biogenesis and we are testing whether PPARγ agonists stabilize the mitochondria and protect the kidney during oxidative stress or during pro-fibrotic stimulation.

Aims and significance of project: The aim of the project is to identify markers of organelle dysfunction (eg. of mitochondria, lysosomes) and to correlate these changes with some key phenotypical/morphological changes in the chronically-diseased kidney (eg. apoptosis, autophagy, cell senescence). This information will then be used to test some key therapies that may modulate the changes that cause CKD. The significance of the project is that, by focusing on the patho-molecular changes from oxidant damage in CKD, and therapies that are anti-oxidant in nature, the information gained from this project will allow development of kidney-targeted therapies for ameliorating CKD and also will promote the early detection of its development.

About me

Record of translation achievement: Dr Gobe is a molecular biologist with a well-established international record of achievements in kidney disease research. She produced the first study, internationally, on the role of apoptosis in kidney disease (on renal tubular atrophy; Gobe and Axelsen, Lab Invest 1987; 56:273-281). Partly through her leadership in this field, this has progressed so that in 2014 there are now almost 10000 publications in PubMed with “kidney apoptosis” as the search criterion. 

Many of her publications have found translation from the bench to clinical application. She also has a strong publication record applying biomarkers in kidney disease, many of which find application in clinical as well as pre-clinical settings. Other research-related achievements: Student supervision and mentoring, particularly international students (15 PhD or Masters students completed under her principal supervision, 2 current as principal and 2 as associate supervisor, many overseas trainees and 4 post-docs through her lab); leadership (Research Director) of her Centre for Kidney Disease Research at the Translational Research Institute Brisbane; has established national and international research collaborations; teaching and biomedical research course development; panel member for research funding organisations (Cancer Council, PCFA, RCHF).

International reputation: Plenary or invited speaker, session chairperson, and judge of awards at international meetings in USA (including American Society of Nephrology), Canada, China, France, New Zealand, Thailand and Malaysia. Leadership positions in international societies: Member, Scientific Programming and Educational Committee (SPEC) of Australian New Zealand Society of Nephrology; Member of Radiation Advisory Committee advising Minister, Qld Govt; Member, Membership Committee, American Pathology Society; Current or past editor JASN, Nephrology (Carlton), J Nephropathol.

Highly recognised for research: Web of Science, >200 publications listed, H-index 31, total citations 4251, with non-self citations 3959; 1 article cited >400; 2 cited >300<400, 5>100<300. 10 invited book chapters. Since 2007, 5x NHMRC grants as CI, funds totalling approx. $2M. Other competitive grants (NHF, QCF, RCHF, AKF and others) as CI dating back to 1991, funds > $5M.


Web of Science, >200 publications listed, H-index 31, total citations 4251, with non-self citations 3959; 1 article cited >400; 2 cited >300<400, 5>100<300. 10 invited book chapters. Last 5 years Original research publications, book chapters 

  1. Wunnapuk K, Liu X, Roberts M, Gobe GC, Endre Z, Buckley NA, Peake P, Grice JE. Kidney biomarkers in MCPA-induced acute kidney injury in rats: reduced clearance enhances early biomarker performance. Toxicol Lett. 2014, (in press, 17th Jan 2014).
  2. Morais C, Small DM, Vesey DA, Martin J, Johnson DW, Gobe CG. Fibronectin and transforming growth beta contribute to erythropoietin resistance and maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy. Biochem Biophys Res Communic. In press 15th Jan 2014.
  3. Small DM, Sanchez WY, Roy S, Hickey MJ, Gobe GC. Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy of the live kidney in health and disease. J Biomed Optics. In press Dec 2013.
  4. Hornos Carneiro MF, Morais C, Barbosa F, Gobe GC. Thimerosal in childhood vaccines contributes to accumulating mercury toxicity in the kidney. Toxicol Envir Chem (in press, December 2013)
  5. Wunnapuk K, Liu X, Peake P, Gobe GC, Endre Z, Roberts MS, Grice JE, Buckley NA. Renal biomarkers predict nephrotoxicity after paraquat. Toxicol Lett. 2013, 222: 280-288.
  6. Yap NY, R Rajandram, J Pailoor, AH Razack, TA Ong, KL Ng, C Morais, G Gobe. Evaluation of clinical prognostic factors and survival outcome of Renal Cell Carcinoma patients – A Malaysian single centre perspective. Asia Pacific J Cancer Prevent 2013, 14: (in press November 2013)
  7. Vitetta L, Linnane AW, Gobe G. From the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to the kidneys: Live bacterial cultures (probiotics) mediating reductions of uremic toxins via free radical signalling. Toxins (Basel). 2013, 5: 2042-2057.
  8. Diwan V, Gobe GC, Brown L. Glibenclamide improves kidney and heart structure and function in the adenine-diet model of chronic kidney disease. Pharmacol Res. 2014, 79: 104-110
  9. Winnapuk K, Gobe GC, Endre ZH, Peake P, Grice JE, Roberts MS, Buckley NA, Liu X. Use of a glyphosate-based herbicide-induced nephrotoxicity model to investigate a panel of kidney injury biomarkers. Toxicol Lett. 2014, 225: 192-200.
  10. Ng KL, Rajandram R, Samaratunga H, Gobe GC, Wood ST. Differentiation of oncocytoma from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC): can novel molecular biomarkers help solve an old problem? J Clin Pathol 2014, 67: 97-104. (with “editor’s choice” comment).
  11. Langenberg C, Gobe GC, Hood S, May CN, Bellomo R. Renal histopathology during experimental septic acute kidney injury and recovery. Crit Care Med 2014, 42: e58-e67
  12. Gobe GC, Bennett NC, West M, Colditz P, Brown L, Vesey DA, Johnson DW. Increased progression to kidney fibrosis after erythropoietin is used as a treatment for acute kidney injury. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2014. PMID 24402097
  13. Bennett NC, Hooper J, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Expression profiles and functional associations of endogenous androgen receptor and caveolin-1 in prostate cancer cell lines. Prostate. 2013. PMID 24375805
  14. Carvalho Rodrigues MA, Gobe GC, Dos Santos NAG, Dos Santos AC. Carvedilol efficiently protects kidneys without affecting the antitumor efficacy of cisplatin in mice. Chem Biol Interact. 2013, 206: 90-99. PMID 24012798.
  15. Vesey DA, Suen JW, Seow V, Lohman RJ, Gobe GC, Johnson DW, Fairlie D. PAR-2-induced inflammatory responses in human kidney tubular epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2013 304(6): F737-F750.
  16. Wojcikowski K, Gobe GC. Use of phytochemicals as adjuncts to conventional therapies for chronic kidney disease. Eds D Prakash and G Sharma. In Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical Importance, CABI Publishers, UK. In press 2013.
  17. Gobe GC. Oxidative stress and the kidney. In I Laher (Ed). Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Anti-Oxidants. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30018-9_113, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. In press 2013.
  18. Small D, Gobe GC. Oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy in chronic kidney and cardiovascular disease. In Oxidative Stress and Chronic Degenerative Diseases – a Role for Antioxidants. InTech Publishers ISBN 978-953-51-1123-8. Ed JA Morales-Gonzales 2013
  19. Diwan V, Gobe GC, Mistry A, Brown L. Optimization of adenine dosing in rats for a model of progressive chronic kidney disease in humans. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2013, 68(2): 197-207.
  20. Wojcikowski K, Gobe GC. Animal studies on medicinal herbs: predictability, dose conversion and potential value. Phytother Res. 2014, 28(1): 22-27.
  21. Morais C, Johnson DW, Vesey DA, Gobe GC. Functional significance of erythropoietin in renal cell carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2013 Jan 10;13:14. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-14
  22. Vitetta L, Gobe GC. Uremia and chronic kidney disease: The role of the gut microflora and therapies with pro- and prebiotics. Molec Nutr Food Res. 2013. 57(5): 824-832
  23. Gobe GC, Morais C, Vesey DA, Johnson DW. Use of high-dose erythropoietin for repair after injury: A comparison of outcome in heart and kidney. J Nephropathol 2013, 2(3): 154-165.
  24. Bennett NC, Hooper J, Gobe GC. Endogenous strategies for steroidogenesis and androgen signalling in prostate cancer cells. In: Androgens: Production, Functions and Disorders. Eds BF Thompson & BJ Robinson. Nova Science Publishers NY. 2012 Chapter V, pp 99-114.
  25. Walker RJ, Leader JP, Bedford JJ, Gobe GC, Davis G, Vos FE, deJong S, Schollum JBW. Chronic Interstitial fibrosis in the rat kidney induced by long term (6-mo) exposure to lithium. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2013, 304(3): F300-F307.
  26. Small DM, Gobe GC. Cytochrome c: potential as a non-invasive biomarker of acute kidney injury. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2012, 8: 655-664.
  27. Morais C, DW Johnson, GC Gobe. The VHL-HIF signaling in renal cell carcinoma: promises and pitfalls. In: Emerging Research and Treatments in Renal Cell Carcinoma, Ed. RJ Amato. InTech Publishers, 2012. Chapter 3, pp 57-82. ISBN 978-953-51-0022-5
  28. Small DS, Coombes J, Bennett NC, Johnson DJ, Gobe GC. Oxidative stress, anti-oxidant therapies and chronic kidney disease. Nephrology (Carlton) 2012 17(4):311-21
  29. Small DS, Bennett NC, Roy S, Gabrielli B, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Oxidative stress and cell senescence combine to cause maximal renal tubular epithelial cell dysfunction and loss in an in vitro model of kidney disease. Nephron Exp Nephrol. 2012 122(3-4), 123-130.
  30. Carvalho Rodrigues MA, Gobe GC, Santos NA, Santos AC. Carvedilol reduces apoptotic cell death induced by cisplatin in renal tubular epithelial cells. J Toxicol Environ Health Part A. 75: 981-990, 2012.
  31. Thorling CA, Liu X, Fletcher L, Gobe GC, Burczynski FJ, Roberts MS. Multiphoton microscopy can visualize zonal damage and decreased cellular metabolic activity in hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. J Biomed Optics. 16(11), 116011, 2011
  32. Morais C, GC Gobe, Johnson DW, Healy H. The emerging role of nuclear factor-kappaB in renal cell carcinoma. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 43(11):1537-1549, 2011
  33. Yamada M, Pat BK, Wojcikowski K, Gobe G. Angelica sinensis has inherent endothelial cell toxicity at high concentrations but can also protect the vascular endothelium from oxidative stress-induced injury at moderate concentrations. Alt Med Studies 2011 1;1-e8:30-34.
  34. Fassett RG, Venuthurupalli SK, Gobe GC, Coombes JS, Cooper MA, Hoy W. Biomarkers in chronic kidney disease: a review. Kidney Int. 80(8):806-21, 2011.
  35. Gobe GC, Fassett RL, Coombes JS. Bioactive nutritional supplements for chronic kidney disease: Potential cost benefits. In: Current Nutrients, Dietary Supplements, and Nutriceuticals: Cost Analysis versus Clinical Benefits. Ed Preedy V. 2011. Springer Publishers. Chapter 19, pages 301-314.
  36. Yamada M, Burke C, Colditz P, Johnson DW, Gobe G. Erythropoietin protects against apoptosis and increases expression of non-neuronal cell markers in the hypoxia-injured developing brain. J Pathol. 2011. 224(1):101-9.
  37. Nanayakkara S, Komiya T, Ratnatunga N, Senevirathna ST, Harada KH, Hitomi T, Gobe G, Muso E, Abeysekera T, Koizumi A. Tubulointerstitial damage as the major pathological lesion in endemic chronic kidney disease among farmers in North Central Province of Sri Lanka. Environ Health Prev Med. 2011 Oct 13. [Epub ahead of print]
  38. Rajandram R, Bennett NC, Wang Z, Perry-Keene J, Vesey DA, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Renal Cell Carcinoma: Patient samples of renal cell carcinoma show reduced expression of TRAF1 compared with normal kidney and functional studies in vitro indicate TRAF1 promotes apoptosis: potential for targeted therapy. Pathology 2012 44: 453-459.
  39. Rajandram R, Bennett NC, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Resistance to therapies, role of apoptosis, and the prognostic and therapeutic target potential of TRAF proteins. Medical Hypoth. 78(2):330-336, 2012
  40. Liu H, MCTaggart SJ, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Anti-oxidant pathways are stimulated by mesenchymal stromal cells in renal repair after ischaemic injury. Cytotherapy, 14(2):162-172, 2012.
  41. Fassett RG, Gobe GC, Peake JM, Coombes JS. In reply to “omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and clinical trials” and “polyunsaturated fatty acids and kidney disease”. Am J Kidney Dis 2011 57: 353.
  42. Yang T, Pat BK, Zhang B, Wei M, Gobe GC. Lentiviral-mediated RNA interference against TGF-beta receptor type II regulates renal fibrogenesis. J Biomed Biotech. 2010:859240. Epub 2010. IF 2.75
  43. Panchal S, Poudyal H, Iyer A, Mazer R, Alam A, Diwan V, Sernia C, Campbell F, Ward L, Gobe G, Fenning A, Brown L. High carbohydrate-high fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. In press Aug 2010. IF
  44. Peake J, Gobe G, Fassett R, Coombes J. The effects of dietary fish oil on inflammation, fibrosis and oxidative stress associated with obstructive renal injury in rats. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2010 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20981877
  45. Gobe GC, Winterford C. Quantification of apoptosis. In Apoptosis: Modern Insights Into Disease. Ed Preedy V. Science Publishers. Pp314-376 May 2010.
  46. Fassett RG, Gobe GC, Peake JM, Coombes JS. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the treatment of kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2010 May 19 [Epub ahead of print] IF 5.152
  47. Ishikawa K, May CN, Gobe GC, Langenberg C, Bellomo R. The Pathophysiology of Septic Acute Kidney Injury: A Different View of Tubular Injury. Contrib Nephrol. In press February 2010. IF 1.93
  48. Gobe G, Crane D. Mitochondria, reactive oxygen species and cadmium toxicity in the kidney. Toxicol Lett 198: 49-55, 2010 IF 3.40
  49. Reinebrant HE, Wixey JA, Gobe GC, Colditz PB, Buller KM. Differential effects of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury on brainstem serotonergic raphe nuclei. Brain Research. 1322: 124-133, 2010. IF 2.551
  50. Carty ML, Wixey JA, Kesby JP, Reinebrant HE, Colditz PB, Gobe G, Buller KM. Long-term losses of amygdala corticotropin-releasing factor neurons are associated with behavioural outcomes following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia. Behavioural Brain Research. 208: 609-618 2010. IF 3.214
  51. Morais C, Healy H, Johnson DW, Gobe G. Inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B attenuates tumour progression in an animal model of renal cell carcinoma. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25: 1462-1474 2010 IF 3.586 Conference presentations 2010 Gobe G. Mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in heavy metal toxicity in the kidney. Invited speaker. Cadmium in Health and Disease Conference, Pitsanulok, Thailand, January 2010
  52. Walker R, Bedford J, Davis G, Gobe G, Schollum J, Leader J. Long-term lithium induced chronic interstitial fibrosis. Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting: Molecular Approaches to Renal Disease. Queenstown New Zealand, August 2010
  53. Gobe G. Mitochondrial dysregulation in chronic kidney disease: where structure meets function. Invited speaker. Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting: Molecular Approaches to Renal Disease. Queenstown New Zealand, August 2010
  54. Rajandram R, Vesey D, Wang Z, Bennett N, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. TRAF1: functional significance of its knockdown in renal cell carcinoma and expression profile in human renal cancers. Molecular Approaches to Renal Disease. Queenstown New Zealand, August 2010. (Poster)
  55. Walker R, Bedford J, Davis G, Gobe G, Schollum J, Leader J. Renal consequences of long-term lithium exposure. 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, Perth, September 2010. (Poster)
  56. Gobe G. Mechanisms and Implications of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in the Ageing Kidney. Invited speaker. 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, Perth, September 2010
  57. Gobe GC, Rajandram R, Yung Suen J, Fairlie D, Johnson DW, Vesey DA. Protease-activated receptor-2 in renal cell carcinoma. American Society of Nephrology Renal Week, Denver CA, USA. Published in J Am Soc Nephrol 2010, 21: 837A
  58. Small D, Bennett N, Crane D, Gobe G. Mitochondrial dysfunction in the ageing kidney: role of oxidative stress. 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, Perth, September 2010. (Poster) 2011
  59. Rajandram R, Wang Z, Perry-Keene J, Johnson D, Gobe G. Improving molecular signatures to characterize renal cell carcinoma – a study using tissue microarray. GTCBio 3rd Oncology Biomarker Conference, San Diego, January 2011. (Selected oral presentation)
  60. Corbier M, Bennett N, Whitbourne L, Roy S, Vesey D, Gobe G. Cadmium toxicity to proximal tubular epithelium of the kidney: roles of inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. World Congress of Nephrology, Vancouver, April 2011 (Poster)
  61. Small D, Bennett N, Roy S, Gobe G. Oxidative stress and cell senescence synergistically contribute to renal cell aging via dysfunctional mitochondria. World Congress of Nephrology, Vancouver, April 2011 (Poster)
  62. Gobe G, Mott S, Bostrom T, Cholewa M, Paterson D, de Jonge M, Howard D, Laird J, Abeysekera T, Athuraliya TNC, Hoy W. Elemental analysis of kidney biopsies using X-ray fluorescence microscopy at the Australian Synchrotron: A search for causes of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin. World Congress of Nephrology, Vancouver, April 2011 (Poster)
  63. Small D, Bennett N, Roy S, Gobe G. Oxidative stress and cell senescence synergistically contribute to renal cell aging via dysfunctional mitochondria. European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA) 2011 Congress, Prague, Czechoslavia. June 2011 (Poster)
  64. Thompson C, Liu X, Burczynski FJ, Gobe GC, Roberts MS. Liver ischemia reperfusion injury causes heterogenic damage and decreased metabolic activity in rats in vivo. Australian Society for Medical Research Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, June 2011.
  65. Yamada M, Burke C, Colditz P, Johnson DW, Gobe G. Erythropoietin protects against apoptosis and increases expression of non-neuronal cell markers in the hypoxia-injured developing brain. Australian Society for Medical Research Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, June 2011.
  66. Diwan V, Gobe G, Brown L. Low dose adenine induces chronic kidney disease: slow poison for kidneys. ANZSN Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, September 2011. Nephrology Carlton 16 Sup 1: 40.
  67. Langenberg C, Gobe G, Malone S, May C, Bellomo R. Renal histopathology and the expression of NOS and HIF-1α in septic acute kidney injury, recovered and normal sheep kidneys. ANZSN Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, September 2011. Nephrology Carlton 16 Sup 1:
  68. Boonprasert K, Na-Bangchang K, Gobe GC, Vesey DA. ANZSN Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, September 2011. Modulation of cytochrome p450, metallothionein, and heme oxygenase-1 by cadmium in primary culture of human proximal tubule cells. Nephrology Carlton 16 Sup 1: 34.
  69. Diwan V, Gobe G, Brown L. Adenine-induced chronic kidney disease: less is best for equivalence to human disease. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 2011.
  70. Langenberg C, Gobe G, Malone S, May C, Bellomo R. Renal histopathology, immunohistochemistry, apoptosis and nitric oxide synthase expression during experimental septic acute kidney injury and recovery. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 2011.
  71. Rajandram G, Bennett N, Vesey DA, Wang Z, Perry-Keane J, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 (TRAF1) has a functional role in renal carcinoma (RCC) apoptosis, has decreased expression in RCC samples, and may have potential for targeted therapy. 20th Annual Malaysian Urological Conference and Asia Pacific Society of Urology Congress. Kuala Lumpur, 2011.
  72. Carvalho Rodrigues MA, Faria MCS, Santos NAG, Barbosa Jr F, Gobe G, Santos AC. The anti-oxidant action of carvedilol protects the kidney from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity but does not decrease the chemotherapeutic value of cisplatin. Toxicol Letters 205S (2011), S180-S300. Eurotox Conference, Paris, Sept 2011. 2012
  73. Morais C, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. The therapeutic potential of nuclear factor kappa b inhibition in renal cell carcinoma. 17th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 15th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine. 11-13 October, 2012
  74. Creta Maris, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece Rajandram R, Gobe G, Wang Z, Vesey DA, Johnson DW, Morais C. Increasing anti-apoptotic nucleolar protein-3 correlates with cancer progression in renal cell carcinoma. Nephrology (Carlton) 2012, 17 (2): 61 (ANZSN Scientific Meeting, Auckland, 2012)
  75. Small DM, Bennett NC, Coombes JS, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Oxidative stress-induced alterations in mitochondrial homeostasis in human proximal tubular epithelial cells. Nephrology (Carlton) 2012, 17 (2): 87 (ANZSN Scientific Meeting, Auckland, 2012)
  76. Small DM, Royet Y, Gobe GC. The anti-oxidant N-acetyl cysteine attenuates apoptosis in human kidney proximal tubular epithelium. Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting (Nephrology – Translational Medicine), New Zealand, August, 2012
  77. Small DM, Bennett NC, Coombes JS, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Altered mitochondrial homeostasis, p62 and PPARγ and α contribute to oxidative stress-induced kidney injury. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, San Diego, November, 2102.
  78. Gobe G. Elemental analysis of kidney biopsies using X-ray fluorescence microscopy at the Australian Synchrotron: A search for causes of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin. Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting, September 2012, Queenstown NZ. Invited speaker 2013
  79. Morais C, Vesey D, Johnson D, Gobe GC. Erythropoietin delivered for protection from acute kidney injury may have secondary benefits in protecting heart. ERA-EDTA Conference, Istanbul, May 2013. Nephrol Dial Transplant 28: Suppl 1, i107, 2013 (doi: 10.1093/ndt/gft107)
  80. Small DM, Bennett N,C, Coombes J, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Mitochondrial homeostasis is impeded by degradation and autophagy in oxidat-ve stress-induced renal cell injury. ERA-EDTA Conference, Istanbul, May 2013. Nephrol Dial Transplant 28: Suppl 1, i114, 2013 (doi: 10.1093/ndt/gft114)
  81. Yap NY, Rajandram R, Pailoor J, Razack A, Ong TA, Ng KL, Morais C, Gobe GC. Evaluating the characteristics of newly diagnosed renal cell carcinoma to improve patient outcome. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Nephrology (Carlton) 18 (Supp. 1): 34, 2013
  82. Morais C, Vesey D, Johnson DW, Wood S, Gobe G. Curcumin attenuates growth of established renal cell carcinoma through suppression of nuclear factor-κB. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Nephrology (Carlton) 18 (Supp. 1): 35, 2013
  83. Rajandram R, Yap NY, Pailoor J, Razack A, Ng KL, Morais C, Gobe GC. Molecular characteristics of renal cell carcinoma – a study using TRAF-1 and a Malaysian patient cohort. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Nephrology (Carlton) 18 (Supp. 1): 47, 2013
  84. Small D, Morais C, Johnson DW, Coombes J, Gobe GC. PPARγ activation does not protect human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells against oxidative stress. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Nephrology (Carlton) 18 (Supp. 1): 52, 2013
  85. Mott S, Hoy W, Gobe G, Satarug S, Abeysekera T. Assessment of cadmium load in renal biopsies from Sri Lankan people with chronic kidney disease of unknown origin. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Nephrology (Carlton) 18 (Supp. 1): 61, 2013
  86. Small D, Morais C, Johnson DW, Coombes J, Gobe GC. PPARγ activation does not protect human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells against oxidative stress. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Nephrology (Carlton) 18 (Supp. 1): 52, 2013
  87. Small D, Morais C, Johnson DW, Coombes J, Gobe GC. Human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells are not protected against oxidative stress by PPARγ agonists. American Society of Nephrology Renal Week, Atlanta 2013.
  88. Small D, Sanchez W, Roy S, Johnson DW, Gobe GC. Intravital multiphoton microscopy can visualize oxidative damage and tubule-interstitial fibrosis after kidney ischemia-reperfusion injury. American Society of Nephrology Renal Week, Atlanta 2013.
  89. Shahzad M, Small DM, Morais C, Wojcikowski K, Gobe GC. Protection against H2O2-induced cell death by Angelica sinensis and Astragalus membranaceus in HK2 human kidney cells. American Society of Nephrology Renal Week, Atlanta 2013. 2014
  90. Leahy N, Ward MS, Gallo LA, Fotheringham A, Gobe G, Vesey DA, Forbes JM. Mitochondrial targeting of superoxide by MitoQ improves metabolic renal dysfunction. American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, June 2014. San Francisco.
  91. Li L, Gills J, Morais C, Gobe G, Johnson DW, Hudson M. Lymph node stromal cells support renal cell carcinoma growth. Am Urol Assn, Orlando Fl May 16-22, 2014
  92. Ng KL, Wood ST, Ding JC, Jayasuriya TS, Vesey DA, Gobe GC, Morais C. Decreasing apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain (ARC) is associated with disease progression and drug resistance of renal cell carcinoma. USANZ 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, March 2014.
  93. Rajandram R, Yap NY, Pailoor J, Razack AHA, Ng KL, Morais C, Gobe GC. Investigation of tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor-1 expression in renal cell carcinoma from a single Asian centre. USANZ 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, March 2014.
  94. Yap NY, Ng KL, Ong TA, Pailoor J, Razack AHA, Gobe G, Morais C, Rajandram R. Improving patient benefits by assessing parameters of newly-diagnosed renal cell carcinoma. USANZ 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, March 2014.
  95. Rajandram R, Yap NY, Pailoor J, Razack AHA, Ng KL, Morais C, Gobe G. Serum TRAF-1 as a biomarker for developing clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Biomarker and Clinical Research Meeting, Biomarkers 2014, Oxford UK, April 2014

Research fields

Inflammation, fibrosis, immune response and apoptosis, kidney, cancer