Translational Research institute Awards

Please read the Terms and Conditions of Entry before completing this form 
Nominations extended to 5pm Friday 17 October 2014

If you have any questions regarding this form or nominations please contact [email protected]

Details of person making the nomination 

Nominee details compulsory (if different to above)
Please indicate the individual or team leader

Research Details

Category Descriptions

Translational Research Award
This award will recognise the contribution of the research team(s)/group(s) headed by the awardee(s) who have demonstrated achievements at the highest level of translational outcomes that have and will provide significant benefits for human health now or in the foreseeable future.

Innovation Award
Awarded for innovation that has strong potential for translation in the future through its significant impact on understanding human disease or treatment. The anticipated near term outcomes of research have a considerable likelihood of impacting health with their translation to clinical practice.

Breakthrough Award
This award will recognise early stage breakthrough that achievements from follow up study will translate into significant benefits for human welfare now or in the future or for a program of research where ‘translation’ is the a clear emphasis. This award would provide recognition for those whose translation outcomes have not yet reached the level required be competitive for the Translational Research Award or Innovation Award.

New Collaborative Team Award
This award will recognise newly formed inter-institutional research collaborations between TRI partners and across disciplines that facilitate new and innovative research investigations into human health, disease processes or new treatments with the goal of driving medical research outcomes and ultimately translational outcomes.

In <500 words please respond to the following criteria:

  • Contribution to the field
  • How a breakthrough or program of research has/will impact on patient/human welfare outcomes
  • Translational pathway for work
  • Collaborations formed since moving to TRI
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx ppt pptx.