What is tm@TRI 

The future of translational manufacturing is here - TRI is building Australia’s first scale-up biomedical manufacturing facility for maturing, high-potential, biotech start-ups.

TM@TRI (Translational Manufacturing@TRI) is proudly funded by the Queensland Government and TRI.


2020- Initial Business Case Submitted to Qld Government
June 2022- Funding announcement by Qld Government of $60M to support TM project
- TRI commits $20M
Dec 2022- Governance - construction committee and industry advisory groups established
June 2023- Agreements signed
- Builder appointed
- DD Design (60%) completed
July 2023- Early works due to begin
2024- Ongoing build / design reviews
2025- Tenants move in
- Q3  GMP facilites certified

* Future timeline projections are subject to change

The TRI facility gives early-phase start up biotech companies time to establish, build, test and develop their products and provides a supportive environment to advance medical discoveries to healthcare solutions. In response to the lack of scale-up manufacturing facilities in Australia, TRI has secured funding to build Translational Manufacturing@TRI (TM@TRI), Australia’s first scale-up biomedical manufacturing facility supporting mid-stage biotech companies as they mature and manufacture products for Phase II and III clinical trials studies.

TM@TRI is being developed in response to market demand and aspiration from tenant start-ups outgrowing or “scaling up” out of the original TRI and a need to remain within its supportive environment as they continue their commercialisation journey. 

TM@TRI will add 6,484m2 Gross Floor Area to TRI’s 38,390m2 GFA, making this the largest end to end translational research hub of its kind in Australia.

TM@TRI will be operated by TRI and will leverage the research strengths and clinical synergies of its four shareholder partners: Queensland Health, The University of Queensland, the Queensland University of Technology and Mater Research.

TM@TRI Facilities & Services 

  • Co-working desk spaces and offices, including meeting rooms and pitch spaces
  • An Innovation space to support engineering and chemistry
  • Kitchen and open-plan communal spaces designed to facilitate interation and collaboration 
  • Access to all the services, support and facilities already housed in TRI
  • Access to clinicians and clinical trial facilities and expertise
  • Permitted PC2 laboratories 
  • Fridge, Freezer and Cryo storage farms that are monitored, secured and alarmed 
  • Storage space and specialist support spaces for pre-post manufacturing
  • GMP cleanrooms and manufacturing facilities 
    • 6 cleanrooms with independent air handling, reducing contamination risks
    • ISO 7 (GradeB) capable rooms – up to ISO 5 (Grade A) using barrier technology
    • PC2 regulatory compliant construction – available for GMOs and viral genetic medicine
    • cGMP autoclave
    • Sterile processing with continuous particle monitoring (fully validated, 21CFR part 11 and PIC/S (Annex 11) compliant Environmental Monitoring System (EMS)
  • 24/7 critical systems monitoring, on-site security, swipe card restricted access to all rooms
  • Waste management
  • Hands on training and specialist support.

Early Construction Works 

TM@TRI will be situated on the PA Hospital campus between UQ’s Dutton Park Campus, Thermo Fisher and TRI. It sits within the Boggo Road Cross River Rail Priority Development Area (PDA), which is focused on health, science, innovation, research and education.

Early works on the TM@TRI site adjacent to TRI

Early works on the TM@TRI site commenced in July 2023.  Already around 28,000 hours of early construction work from more than 1,300 people has the project tracking well for a late 2025 opening.

The discovery of asbestos required contractor Built to engage a team of experts to undertake additional site testing and develop an Asbestos Removal Control Plan. This included dust and noise suppression protocols along with daily air particle monitoring.  Built has been responsible for ensuring these works are monitored by a licensed asbestos assessor and hygienist, tasked with notifying the relevant authorities and TRI, if particles reach a level deemed unsafe by WorkSafe Queensland.

By the start of 2024, more than 8,500m3 of contaminated waste had been safely removed and disposed of, in addition to another 2,000m3 of clean waste. This equates to roughly three Olympic sized swimming pools worth of material. In early March 2024 site remediation concluded in readiness for the main works contract construction phase.

Traffic and pedestrian management plans remain in place on Kent Street, which is also impacted by the UNITY Alliance Cross River Rail construction, so visitors and staff are asked to be mindful of adhering to the instruction of the controllers.

Where can I find out more about TM@TRI?

Built has been contracted to deliver early construction works for TM@TRI. Project related queries can be directed to James Dane at Built on 0400 956 086 or [email protected] and site related queries to Chris Woodforth on 0423 559 614.

Our TM@TRI Project Team is also happy to answer any queries you may have. Email contact: [email protected] or [email protected].  Regular updates will be provided on our website. We thank you for your patience and ongoing support as we progress our goal to build a facility capable of transforming biomedicine in Australia.