Seminar Room 2004, TRI

Agilent NGS Seminar 

Explore the possibilities on how Agilent's NGS workflow solution can help you uncover the answers to drive your research forward. Presentations will be given by Devika Ganesamoorthy, PH.D., Research Officer, Insititute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland and Dan Belluccio, Ph.D., Senior Field Application Scientis and Clinical Business Architect, South Asia Pacific, Agilent Technologies. 


2:15pm Registration 
2:30pm Welcome and Introduction 
2:45pm 'Genotyping tandem repeats using targeted sequencing' presented by Devika Ganesamoorthy
3:30pm 'Advancing discovery with targeted next generation sequencing' presented by Dan Belluccio
4:15pm Closing and Networking Afternoon Tea 

Event Details 

18th September 2019
2:15pm - 4:30pm
Seminar Room 2004 
