Undertaking a research higher degree (RHD), either an MPhil or PhD, gives you the opportunity to make a significant contribution to knowledge and research by developing new ideas, or new ways of approaching existing problems.
At TRI we offer RHD programs through our partner institutes in the following fields of research:
- Bone and Joint Health
- Cancer Research
- Dermatology
- Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism
- Genomic Medicine
- Immunology and Immune Disorders
- Kidney and Liver Health
- Trauma
If you are interested in undertaking a RHD at TRI please take a look at the previous projects offered in 2014 to see the type of opportunties available. You should then contact our partner institutes and discuss your options for undertaking a RHD through their respective institution.
In order to actively bridge the gap between the clinic and research, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI) is recruiting newly qualified clinicians into a unique research higher degree training program.
The Masters of Philosophy in Translational Research is an internationally recognised postgraduate research degree that provides pathways for medical graduates to acquire new skills, or extend and renew their understanding of Translational Research and the processes underlying it.
The following are a range of projects specially targeted to students enrolled in the MPhil in Translational Research :
- Proteomic analysis of biomarkers of radiographic progression in ankylosing spondylitis.
- Glucose handling by the renal proximal tubules in diabetes
- Genetic susceptibility to nephropathy in diabetes
- Developing a multivariate diagnostic blood test for oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Alterations in regulatory T cell pheotype in type 1 diabetes
- Defects in T cell development leading to type 1 diabetes
- Role of gut microbiota in development of spondyloarthritis, ileitis and psoriasis in SKG mice
- Repurposing drugs for type 1 diabetes
- Oral delivery of anti-inflammatory cytokines to the gut to treat inflammatory bowel disease.
Further research project options are available in many labs at The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI), The University of Queensland School of Medicine (UQ-SoM), Queensland University of Technology Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI) and Mater Research (MR-UQ) based at TRI.
For further information on alternative projects please refer to the specific websites of each of these organisations.