Latest News

29 April 2016

Prof Frazer on ABC's The Business

Professor Ian Frazer was interviewed on Thursday night about the MRFF
More about Prof Frazer on ABC's The Business
14 April 2016

QUT leads world-first new treatment for alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction causes almost 3.8 per cent of deaths worldwide but a study led by QUT researchers offers new hope in the form of a drug already appr
More about QUT leads world-first new treatment for alcohol addiction
7 April 2016

Treating sugar addiction like drug abuse: QUT leads world-first study

With obesity rates on the rise worldwide and excess sugar consumption considered a direct contributor, the search has been on for treatments to revers
More about Treating sugar addiction like drug abuse: QUT leads world-first study
4 April 2016

Ian Frazer to Chair MRFF Advisory Board

Federal Health Minister Professor Ian Frazer to Chair MRFF Advisory Board
More about Ian Frazer to Chair MRFF Advisory Board
18 March 2016

Matt Brown published in Nature Genetics Journal

Congratulations to TRI based QUT researcher Professor Matt Brown for the paper "Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new assoc
More about Matt Brown published in Nature Genetics Journal



19 July 2024 11:00 AM1:00 PM

TRI Seminar Series: Cancer

Come along to the second instalment of the TRI Seminar Series for 2024, focusing on Cancer Metabolism.
More about TRI Seminar Series: Cancer
26 July 2024 12:30 PM2:30 PM

Special Ethical Bystander Training – Male champions

Ethical bystanders play an essential role in nurturing a safe and respectful workplace with a zero-tolerance to violence. The Special Ethical Bystander Training session is for males, as they have previously been under-represented in past training at TRI and UQ.
More about Special Ethical Bystander Training – Male champions