Publish Date: 
Thursday, May 23, 2019 - 15:30

Clinical Trials for Patients with Incurable Head and Neck Cancer 

Chair of the TRI Foundation, Prof Ian Frazer (University of Queensland) and Prof Sandro Porceddu (Director of Radiation Oncology, PA Hospital) have developed pioneering research aimed at treating incurable head and neck cancers. Using the HPV vaccine, which was previously developed to prevent cervical cancer by Prof Frazer, the new vaccine will act as a treatment therapy. Intended to work by teaching the patient’s immune system to target the cancer cells containing HPV, the patient is then given immunotherapy drugs that in turn supercharge the immune system.

  “It's going to become a major problem in Australia, in fact in the US we've seen an increase in HPV-related throat cancers by 225 per cent since the 1980’s," Prof Porceddu said.

The trial at the Princess Alexandra Hospital is due to begin at the end of this year providing the $700,000 in necessary funding is secured.  

HPV- related throat cancer kills three Australian’s every day.

For more information, please see here